
3D Cartography

3D Maps with 3D charts

Find out more: 3D Charts – Taxonomy and Implementation in a Virtual Globe.

3D Maps with 3D elements

Find out more: The Power of 3D Real-Time Visualization in Atlases – Concepts, Techniques, and Implementation.

3D Maps with 2D elements

Find out more: Creating Charts and Legends for 3D Atlas Maps. A Mashup of D3.js, osgEarth, and the Chromium Embedded Framework.

Geographic metadata

Find out more: Metadatenbearbeitung und Kartenerstellung beim Atlas der Schweiz.

Web applications

Atlas of Switzerland – online

Find out more: Atlas der Schweiz – Fit für die Zukunft!

Sensor Discovery in Virtual Globes

Find out more: Sensor Discovery in Virtual Globes.

Usability testing

Find out more: The Next Generation of Atlas User Interfaces – A User Study with “Digital Natives”.,



Multimedia Cartography
Lecturer in three lessons & Supervisor during the entire course, since 2013.
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich

Cartography III
Lecturer in two lessons, 2015-2018.
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich

Reference Systems
Tutor during the entire course, 2010.
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster

Math review course ‘Analysis I’
Tutor during the entire course, 2007/2008.
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster

Supervision of students

Cédric Dind & Stefan Schalcher – Augmented Reality for Printed School Atlases
Interdisciplinary project, co-supervised with Pascal Tschudi and Mattia Ryffel, 2018.
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich

Lisa Stähli – Cesium vs. ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Cartography lab, co-supervised with Christian Häberling, 2017.
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich

Martin Ritzi – Multivariate Diagramme in Kartografischen Produkten
Master thesis, co-supervised with Arzu Cöltekin and René Sieber, 2015/2016.
Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis, University of Zurich

Pascal Inauen – Entwicklung und Analyse von 3D-Gebäude-Generalisierungen in einem virtuellen Globus
Master project, co-supervised with René Sieber and Remo Eichenberger, 2013.
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich